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Article: Nordisk is committed to the society

Nordisk is committed to the society

Nordisk is committed to the society

In 2010, Nordisk joined the international Business Social Compliance Initiative, which is a leading business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in the global supply chain. BSCI is a network of more than 700 companies, all working to improve the social performance of suppliers through protection of workers rights, all through the value-chain.


Due to the intensified globalisation and international competition, many companies source labour-intensive goods from developing and newly industrialised countries. However, working conditions in these countries often do not comply with basic labour standards, such as those established by the International Labour Organization (ILO). To address this issue, many companies and associations have createdindividual codes of conduct and monitoring systems.

The proliferation of individual codes, varying audit procedures and diverging approaches, has resulted in audit duplications within the same factory. This leads to unnecessary efforts, confusion about requirements, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, and higher costs for companies and their suppliers in risk countries.

Therefore, the Foreign Trade Association (FTA) established in 2002 BSCI, to create consistency and harmonisation for companies wanting to improve their social compliance in the global supply chain. In 2011, FTA further made the decision to clearly include sustainability as one of its ground pillars.

Global scope

BSCI aims to establish a common platform for the various European companies Codes of Conducts and monitoring systems, including a common monitoring system for social compliance. The experience and the know-how gained by companies and associations from their individual monitoring systems, were the foundations of the BSCI approach and since 2004 the system has been implemented worldwide.

The ultimate goal of BSCI, is to improve the working conditions in the global supply chain worldwide.

The basic principles

In order to build an ethical supply chain, BSCI provides members with a step-by-step development-oriented system, applicable to all sectors and all sourcing countries. All members are therefore committed to one common Code of Conduct building on a range of principles in

tended for ensuring a strong, credible and achievable commitment from all participants. These principles are:

  • Committed
  • Consistent
  • Comprehensive
  • Development oriented
  • Credible
  • Focused on risk countries
  • Efficient
  • Knowledge-based
  • Collaborative
  • Monitoring

The BSCI Code of Conduct

The BSCI Code of Conduct is based on the most important international labour standards, protecting the workers’ rights, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and other important Declarations of the United Nations, the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises and the UN Global Compact.

Members are requested to disseminate the BSCI Code of Conduct both internally and in their supply chain, hereby expressing a wish to do business with suppliers who take social responsibility seriously.

BSCI today

Today BSCI embraces more than 700 companies with over 500 billion turnover and close to 2 million employees.

In 2010 more than 7000 audits were performed worldwide reaching over 2.2 million workers, improving labour conditions at factories and farms worldwide. All in all more than 20.000 audits have been performed by BSCI and they are all accessible in a common database for members.

In 2010, BSCI gained 232 new members, and more than 61 workshops were performed, involving more than 2800 suppliers and members, in 16 different countries. This increased the number of compliant suppliers from 28 % to 51 %, while the number of non-compliant suppliers decreased from 56 % to 31 %.

BSCI is a process, but it’s definitely moving ahead...

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BSCI - A mark of commitment

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