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Cotton tents
Nordisk cotton tents are made of Technical Cotton which is a mix of natural cotton and polyester that ensures easy maintenance and relatively lower weight compared to using 100% cotton. The fabric offers a great indoor climate due to the natural cotton feeling which adds light, and natural ventilation and protection from the elements. Our Technical Cotton is 65% polyester and 35% cotton.
Our cotton tents are produced in Asia.
No! Nordisk tents are ready to use from the second you buy them. All the materials are treated during the production and ready-to-use. Notice that the fabric is not coated. This ensures a very good inner climate – do not coat your tent!
Yes! Nordisk cotton products are treated with a water-repellent wash. This combined with the natural expansion of cotton in the polyester mix keeps you dry. The cotton has a hydrostatic head of 350mm, which sounds low at first, but it will definitely keep you dry. All our tents are constructed so that water is guided off the tent. Furthermore, cotton expands when it gets wet which seals the surface area.
UV radiation is one of the worst enemies of both material deterioration and our skin. Therefore, Nordisk has added a shield (treatment) to reduce the speed of UV implications which is an invisible layer that protects the cotton fabric and is even environmentally friendly.
The Technical Cotton fabric construction and the engineered protective shield offer a high degree of UPF skin protection from ultraviolet radiation. The UPF factor is the highest possible and with 50+, you’re protected against at least 98% UV radiation under a Nordisk cotton tent or tarp.
If you are experiencing the cotton absorbing water in some areas or even water getting through the flysheet it is a clear sign that you need to use a proofer on the fabric. The original durable water-repellent treatment will unfortunately deteriorate over time depending on wear and tear from sun and wind or be removed after rigorous washing of the tent. Therefore, it will be necessary to apply a new proofer treatment. Cotton proofers can be found at most local outdoor shops, and can be either sprayed on or washed in (use a tub or very large container)
Packing down and putting your Nordisk cotton tent in storage does not differ significantly from other tents. However, it is imperative that you follow the best practices when storing a cotton tent for extended periods of time.
Your tent must always be fully dry and clean when you pack it - the cotton will be damaged if the tent is even slightly moist, and mold/mildew will occur.
If you pack down your tent in wet conditions, you need to unpack it as soon as possible and let it dry out before putting it in long-term storage (or more than a few days) to not impact the functionality of the cotton. This includes storing the tent in damp or very humid and hot environments, which should always be avoided. Following this advice will hugely improve the longevity of your Nordisk cotton tent!
Make sure to pitch the tent on an even area, where sharp rocks, sticks and branches are removed. Now follow the pitching instructions found for each tent on our website.
If pitching with a zip-in-floor: Spread out the floor before the flysheet to protect the Technical Cotton during the setup. Make sure the floor has ground contact and the tent itself is not in contact with the ground.
Make sure the poles are correctly adjusted according to the conditions, and that the tent is taken down during strong winds. Re-adjusting the pole height is recommended to ensure good tension.
The tent is supplied with Nordisk high tenacity 5 mm guy lines which are pre-equipped at vital points. Make sure that the guy lines are applied and tightened with the correct tension, and that the tension is adjusted over time according to the environmental conditions.
It is not recommended to pitch the tent in heavy winds!
Nordisk tents are made of high-quality components and will generally supply you with many years of outdoor pleasure under normal camping conditions. Generally, the longevity of a cotton tent is impacted by factors such as climate, surroundings, setup, and usage. With normal use your cotton tent will last many years. If a permanent fixture it is more dependent on the climate and environment and can last anywhere from one to 10 seasons.
Harsh sun and UV will deteriorate anything, and that goes for cotton tents as well. Humidity will cause mold, fungus and algae which harms the natural cotton fibres. Dirt and dead leaves can cause rot if left unattended on the flysheet. Mitigating these factors by e.g. using a tarp to decrease sun exposure, cleaning the tent regularly, and drying out the tent and storing it properly will extend the lifetime of the tent immensely, awarding you many years of outdoor pleasures.
For “normal” use as a family tent, this will be translated to several seasons if stored and treated correctly.
Our cotton tents are frequently used for longer term setup, and the following guidelines will enhance your experience immensely:
For long term setups the tent must be pitched properly. It is recommended to have a solid and raised permanent foundation/deck for the tent. Ensure good drainage under and around the tent.
Create a grass free zone in the immediate vicinity of the tent (30-50 cm). This will reduce algae. The same area should be soil/dirt free.
Place small stones/rocks or wood chips in the grass free zone to absorb raindrops and wind from splashing back onto the tent near ground level.
In case of heavy snowfall, remove as much snow as possible from the tent. Melting snow can be very heavy and affect the structural integrity unnecessarily.
All guy lines on the tent and extensions, if any, are to be used – however never overtightened. Make sure the guy lines are tightened with the correct tension, and that the tension is constantly adjusted according to the weather conditions. Additionally, make sure to use pegs/screws properly adapted to the surface and make sure that pegs or screws are always anchored securely.
For offseason and especially windy conditions it is recommended to take down the tent and store it dry. In case of sudden bad weather, remove the poles, fold down the tent and cover it up. The tents can handle normal wind up to 15 m/s, depending on a correct setup, but they are limited to handling stronger and consistent wind, even when you use our original sturdy and well-equipped material to set up the tents properly. Pitching the tent somewhere shielded by the wind will lessen the strain on the materials, which is always recommended. Remember that trees and heavy foliage will accumulate algae.
Cotton tents will normally not withstand permanent setup and usage. However, with proper care it will help extend the usage of our tents immensely. It is recommended to check up on your tent on a regular basis.
Maintaining a cotton tent
There is no definite rule as to how often the tent should be cleaned. However, we recommend that you keep your tent clean and brush away dirt, leaves, bird droppings and the like regularly, as these can accumulate and increase the risk of rot and other deterioration. As a rule of thumb, don’t let the tent get in too bad of a state, as that will require more rigorous cleaning later. It’s a good idea to give it a thorough cleaning when taking the tent down for the season or when putting it in storage for a longer amount of time. To make your tent last, keep it clean.
Different approaches to cleaning of cotton tents highly depends on the state of the tent. Before you start washing the tent use a soft brush or cloth and remove as much dirt as possible. This will be sufficient in many cases. Bird droppings should be dried out and then removed with a brush, before using a wet treatment.
For more persistent dirt and other spots wet treatment can be necessary. Use lukewarm water with a soft brush, sponge, or cloth to wipe down the tent. Do not use soaps and detergents initially.
In the end, if the spots are very persistent a cotton wash can be used. This will however compromise the water-repellent treatment. After utilizing a cotton wash it is necessary to proof the cotton once more with a cotton proofer (cotton wash and proofer can be bought at your local outdoor shop).
It can be a good idea to clean your tent while it is pitched. Do not use a high-pressure hose to clean the flysheet and be mindful to not use too much pressure in general when washing.
Algae and mold/fungus are, unfortunately, elements that cotton tent users might deal with occasionally. Humidity, temperature fluctuations and exposure to dirt and grime all attack the fabric and can lead to mildew, fungicidal mold and eventually rot.
Algae shows itself in a greenish tone on the fabric and must be treated as it will dry out and destroy the cotton fibers (Read: How do I treat/avoid algae on my Nordisk cotton tent?).
Algae grows in moist environments when it is also exposed to light and nutrients. If you have your cotton tent pitched for an extended period in high grass or near trees (algae are transported from trees and pollen etc.) chances are that algae will appear on the flysheet. It’s important that algae are not allowed to spread and grow on the tent, as it will dry out the cotton fibres as these cannot be restored to their peak condition again. To avoid this, keep the tent clean and make sure it is dried regularly.
If the algae appear, wash it off with a cotton wash ASAP and treat the cotton with a proofer afterwards.
By keeping your cotton tent clean and making sure it’s always completely dry before storage (or occasionally for permanent pitches) will help you avoid mold and mildew. If your tent is outside for extended periods of time and it’s very humid or rainy, take it inside and dry it out occasionally. Mold WILL appear if you store your cotton tent damp/wet or in humid areas.
If the damage is already done and you notice small black dots or a moldy smell, treatment is necessary to stop the mold from spreading further. Use a mold-cleaning agent and then follow up with a cotton proofer to make it water-repellent again. Please note that when the black dots have appeared they cannot be removed again.
When camping in any environment, accidents can happen and you could get a hole or tear in your cotton tent. This is a fast track to ruin a camping vacation and of course it’s always imperative to close off the hole as soon as possible. We know that this inevitably happens to some users. Therefore, we offer a “quick-fix”-repair in the form of an adhesive fabric patch which can be used to quickly seal up any small hole/tear and let you enjoy the rest of your camping trip. For more extensive damage to your tent, contact Nordisk to inquire about repairs.
In emergencies, you can even stitch the fabric together yourself and add a seal on top to make it last.
Floors for cotton tents
No. Most Nordisk cotton tents can be used with or without the floors, see description under the specific tent on the website. Therefore zip-in-floors are not included and it’s optional to use this configuration. This helps us keep the pack size and weight down for you to handle them more easily. The Asgard 7.1, Ydun 5.5, Midgard, and Vimur models all come with integrated floors.
It is recommended to purchase a zip-in-floor for your cotton tent, as they are tailored to the specific tent model with the purpose to enhance your camping experience. The floors can be zipped onto the already attached zipper and come with reinforced areas for pole placement. The zip-in-floors offer a smooth surface which is easy to clean and prevents moisture and dirt from entering the tent which improves the living environment hugely. Additionally, you get a bug-free camping experience, at least inside your tent. The zip-in-floors are of course 100% waterproof.
Zip-in-floors are available for most of our cotton tents and are made of 150D tarpaulin. They are 100% waterproof and made of a REACH compliant PVC. The PVC is of the latest generation without any dangerous or hazardous phthalates.
Stoves in cotton tents
Yes. A wooden stove can be installed in most of our Nordisk cotton tents, however, it is always important to take into consideration fire regulations when starting any kind of flame in any environment. A wood burner is a fire hazard, and as our tents are not treated with fire-retardants installing a stove is at your own risk.
To use a wood burner in your Nordisk cotton tent, you need to utilize a chimney exit. We’ve created the “Torden Chimney Exit” which can be installed directly with your cotton tent, to get an outlet for the chimney from the stove and protect the cotton from the generated heat of the pipes.
We recommend placing the exit on the lower sides if possible.
Yes. If you possess or prefer another brand of stove to use in your cotton tent, it is possible. However, keep in mind that the “Torden Chimney Exit” is made with the Torden pipes in mind. The chimney exit is compatible with pipes ranging from 60-90 mm in diameter. The bigger the pipe, the bigger the gap that can let in small amounts of rain.
It is impossible to stop a small amount of rain getting into the tent, when a chimney pipe is in use. When the stove is in use it shouldn’t be a problem, as the heat will cause the small amount of rainwater getting in to evaporate. When the stove is not in use, it is recommended to remove the pipes and close off the chimney exit with the piece of fabric attached for that intended use.
Cotton tarps
It is not necessary to purchase a tarp to enjoy your Nordisk tent, but it will enhance your camping experience. A tarp is a simple and versatile way to add extra space to your tent, create an extra shelter for your camp, or protect your tent from the elements and extend the life of your cotton tent. We recommend using the Kari Technical Cotton Tarp in connection with our cotton tents.
Many of our customers enjoy the feeling of sitting outside and enjoying a dinner or cooking on the grill. However, without a roofing overhead this can be a hassle in treacherous weather. Attaching a tarp to the entrance of your cotton tent affords you a big area to use outside of your living space to sit, eat, and cook. Furthermore, it protects you from the hazardous UV radiation when the sun is at its highest and reduces the amount of mildew and algae.
Tarps have an endless number of configurations. They can be pitched as a stand-alone feature using poles and guy lines, or simply suspended to trees or the like with guy lines alone. Tarps can be connected to our cotton tents either with carabiners and at certain connecter points to make the synergy easy and manageable. Otherwise, it is encouraged to use creativity when pitching a tarp.
Poles for cotton tents
When buying your Nordisk cotton tent, it comes with a tailored set of steel poles for the specific tent. The poles make up the skeleton of the tent and provide structural support. Furthermore, the poles that accompany your tent have the feature of being extendable to accommodate for different or uneven terrain to reach the perfect tension.
Some tents have the option of an aluminium pole set alternative. These can be purchased separately.
When purchasing and using a Nordisk cotton tent, we assume that weight isn’t an issue. Therefore, our tents come with steel poles, which are heavy without a doubt. Steel poles makes for a strong structural integrity and should keep your tent standing even in trying weather. Alternatively, we offer aluminium pole sets, which have the advantage of being comparatively lightweight. Remember that in strong wind it’s always recommended to take down your tent for your own and your tent’s safety.