A gastronomic experience in the wildBy Jurgen BenderMost who follow gastronomic trends, have quite probably heard about outdoor cooking – and maybe even tried it. It is a somewhat unusual term meaning cooking food outdoors and it is therefore open to a rather broad interpretation. |
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A day in the woodsThis dish is perfect when going to the woods: fire-grilled chicken with corn and pearl barley – and chanterelles, which is a good mushroom for beginners as it is easily recognized. I have also added goutweed which you might know from the garden. It has a light parsley flavor and is a good alternative if you are allergic to parsley. The chicken is brought from home, but if you are a hunter, you can easily use pheasant or partridge instead. |
Chanterelles are summer mushroom and can be found from July to October in woodland foliage, often beech woods. They are whitish- yellow to yellow with a firm and compact texture. Chantarelles have an unmistakable trumpet shape with slats along the stem. Chantarelles can also be more orange in colour, but then they are more soft and less compact – and often grow in pine forests. But be aware as some say they are rather poisonous. |
Fire-grilled chicken with Chanterelles and herbsYou need this (for 4 people):
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Corn and pearl barley
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